Bolachas Now Playing

#434: Andrew Combs, “Dream Pictures”

Bolachas Now Playing

#217: Destroyer, “Have We Met”

Dan Bejar enters the another decade with what is probably his most remarkable piece of work since Kaputt. We’ve been featuring Destroyer’s new singles for a while now; this week, it’s time to celebrate “Have We Met”’s release. Plus, we have new tracks from YoubetDiet CigFrances QuinlanTorresLala LalaJFDRLowland HumJames ElkingtonSir Richard BishopClem SnideSam DooresTre BurtAlex RexFuturebirdsPokey LaFargeThe SadiesBohren & der Club of GoreBroochDan DeaconShopping, The Men, Hailu Mergia, and Chuck Prophet.