Bolachas Now Playing

#454: Bonnie “Prince” Billy – The Purple Bird

Bolachas Now Playing

#422: Shellac of North America, “To All Trains”

Bolachas Now Playing

#255: Christian Kjellvander, “About Love and Loving Again”

Bolachas Now Playing, a new music Spotify playlist, updated every Wednesday.

As the year draws to a close and the days become darker, so does our playlist. Or maybe it’s just the moody influence of our album of the week, Christian Kjellvander‘s About Love and Loving Again. Namedropping is cheating, but the veteran – although not that well-known outside of Scandinavia – Swedish singer-songwriter might be up your alley if you’re into some not so strange mix between Nick Cave and Jason Molina with a post-rocky Americana vibe.

Bolachas Now Playing

#248: Bill Callahan, “Gold Record”

Bolachas Now Playing, a new music Spotify playlist, updated every Wednesday.

We’re back from a short vacation with a packed playlist where we feature one of our old favorites. “Gold Record” is midlife Bill Callahan (smog) at his finest: a bunch of non-ordinary songs about ordinary people with ordinary lives. Plus: new tracks by Rodney CrowellJerry David DeCiccaWilco‘s Jeff Tweedy, Daniel RomanoJeremy Iveythe Mountain GoatsThe Nude PartyHen Ogledda Hawk and a Hacksaw‘s Heather Trost, New OrderGarcia Peoplesshame, Badge Époque Ensemble, William TylerNative HarrowBella White MusicLomeldaAdrianne LenkerSkyway ManLuceroMonster RallyNight ShopKEVIN MORBYDylan LeBlanc, Wyatt C. Lewis, Ben PiraniOkey DokeyFraser A. Gorman, Sumbuck, Thin Lear, and Jim White.

Bolachas Now Playing

#232: Jess Williamson, “Sorceress”

Other than a vague idea of how her debut album sounded like, we knew almost nothing about Jess Williamson the moment we walked into the dark backroom of a Nijmegen venue to listen to her songs. Or at least try to, as the audience seemed to be more interested in catching up with their buddies before Kevin Morby took the stage. That being said, our most vivid image of that night is staring at the stage as Williamson played the broodingly gorgeous “Heart Song” off her forthcoming album. We had to go up and tell her we could get her to play a few shows back in Portugal. That never happened, but 100% of her future albums ended up being featured here. Of course they were. “Sorcerer” is the latest instalment in a perfect streak of stellar records. It’s out now.

Plus: new tracks by Josiah JohnsonTommy Alexander, Sumbuck, The JayhawksRose City Band, Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit, Chris Maier, OwenSilverbacks, Crack Cloud, Hanni El KhatibKhruangbinSINEAD O’BRIENKATE NVJim White and Marisa Anderson musicneubauten.orgI Break HorsesPhoebe BridgersNicole AtkinsPerfume GeniusLA PRIESTCharli XCXHappyness, and Lily Hayes.