Bolachas Now Playing

#350: Drugdealer, “Hiding in Plain Sight”

Bolachas Now Playing

#220: Sarah Harmer, “Are You Gone”

It’s been ten years since Sarah Harmer last released a record. The Canadian singer-songwriter spent the last decade advocating for environmental rights, but she’s now back on track with an album that feels like a successor of her 2000 breakthrough, “You Were Here”. Folk-rock folks, please gather around here. Plus: new tracks by Willie NelsonSamantha CrainJay SomAda LeaKatie Von SchleicherLilly HiattTrace MountainsReal EstateSpinning CoinKing Tuff, Six Organs of Admittance, Lee Ranaldo & Raül Refree, CalifoneOiseaux-TempêteAgnes ObelKatie GatelyJessy LanzaGrimes, Beatrice Dillon, Yves Tumor, Bib, No AgeGuided By Voices, and Josh Ritter.

Bolachas Now Playing

#209: Xylouris White, “The Sisypheans”

We’re back from Le Guess Who?, one of the few festivals in Europe where we could choose between four or five quality club nights in various venues or a packed Xylouris White gig post-midnight on a Saturday. We were lucky to get in and witness one of the best concerts of the festival, which doubled as a release show, since the duo composed of Greek singer/laouto player George Xylouris and Dirty Three’s Jim White has just released their fourth album in six years, The Sisypheans. Plus: new tracks by Oiseaux-Tempête, 10 000 Russos, Katie Gately, FKA twigs, SebastiAn, Moor Mother, Vanishing Twin, Gus Seyffert, Wolf Parade, Jeffrey Lewis, Jonathan Wilson, Itasca, Mount Eerie & Julie Doiron, The Delines, Twain, Sea Lion, and The Good Ones.

Bolachas Now Playing

#14: Calexico, “Edge of the Sun”

We’re working on a brand new website and posting here is really slow; don’t forget the main action is on our Facebook page! Before we move on to the next one, below are some of the playlists from the last weeks.