Bolachas Now Playing

#75: Dawes, “We’re All Gonna Die”

Dawes’ new record We’re All Gonna Die was last week’s album of the week.


LISB-ON – the review (Day 2)

LISB-ON. Photo by Sílvia Fernandes

Remember the long lines and overall mayhem that was the day before? Well, Sunday for some reason (and obviously for some effort put by the organization of the festival) was the complete opposite, dragging no crowds at the entrance and quickly charging the bracelets of festival-goers so they could buy stuff inside the festival. An explanation for this is certainly the fewer people to arrive earlier at Parque Eduardo VII, instead of the VIP crowd gathering at the improvised food zone next to the stage on Saturday afternoon.

Moving on, no reasons to be witty, since we arrived late as well to Mr. Herbert Quain’s set during the afternoon, but it sounded gracefully when entering the site. Hoping to catch you again sometime, mister.

Andras & Oscar. Photo by Sílvia Fernandes

The hangover wasn’t that troublesome, we’ve had worse, but you kind of get into that brainfreeze state when listening to Andras & Oscar performance. And not in a bad way! Allow me to explain: this duo brings an aura of sunset, chillout house, and it’s easy to imagine that, if we actually had a hangover, these slow jams would make wonders to cure it. But of course, shall we not reduce their talent and comfort when performing, since Andras can really play the synths and Oscar’s voice is on point. Really cool concert for this time of the day!

Jazzanova. Photo by Sílvia Fernandes

“Concert” is a word we didn’t use a lot during our review of Lisb-On. And presumptuous of me for bringing this antiquated distinction to the table, but for god’s sake, Jazzanova knows how to play a concert. Lead by Paul Randolph on voice and occasional guitar, Jazzanova brought some of their Funkhaus Sessions, starting with “Look What You Are Doin’ To Me” – right when Paul Randolph joined the stage and after the band ended their jam for beginners. This concert was really a complete joy. It would be hard to find a low point during the whole show, and they sure aren’t single note: funky at times, slow groovy here and there, with the constant soul vibe of Randolph, this was a party.

Todd Terje. Photo by Sílvia Fernandes

As for Todd Terje: I must start with the disappointment it was for me (and many) that the “Live” aspect of the concert was him playing, alone, with the synth and running the rest of the songs with his computer. Sure, Lisb-On, you didn’t assure us it would be with his band, but at least you could certify it wouldn’t leave it to expectation. Nevertheless, this was pretty good as well, being actually more pumping and, erm, duh, electronic than it would be with band. But hell, I missed the strings and the flutes, the more gaudy drums and the equal result: dancing. At least “Oh Joy” and “Inspector Norse” for closing were incredible as usual, leaving us on a high note and hoping for more of Todd Terje’s moderate and effective house.

Michael Mayer. Photo by Sílvia Fernandes

The sun was about to set entirely and Lisb-On was about to give us their last name: Michael Mayer. And what a class of a DJ, a very much deserved name to conclude the festival. Although very much straight-foward techno at times, Mayer knew how to build up the song and by the time the drop came, the structure of the song would be much richer and complexe, adding actual melody appealing to the ear. And of course, nice touch to play “Loud Places” by Jamie xx and closing the set with the tongue in cheek “Love is in the Air” by John Paul Young.

Surely this Sunday proved the naysayers of the previous day wrong, with a stronger line-up and space to dance and move around. And we hadn’t said this yet, but even with all that free space, the festival had sold out. I think it’s safe to say then that Lisb-On, by its second edition, has space to grow, either as a household name within the Portuguese festivals’ circuit, or as grounds to fill with bigger crowds. Expectations are high for next year’s edition, we can’t wait to be surprised by newer and exciting names in 2016! Keep “On” Moving!



LISB-ON – the preview


you’re peculiar, I’ll give you that. For once, it’s great to attend a festival in which the action takes part mainly during the afternoon, leaving the last act to
close until midnight because there will always be dancing fools until the end.
But, sure, if you’re not one of them, you can leave the festival just in time
for dinner, which is something admirable in this day and age. Why do you think
matinées were such a big thing?

And then
the other peculiar aspect, who shouldn’t be that peculiar as well: Eduardo VII
Park is one of the must-see places in Lisbon, and the most big central
park of the city, a perfect place for a festival, especially during the afternoon.

Taking this into consideration, what if we told you that there’s definitely great dance music in this
line-up? That’s right, and we’re about to check up all there is to see. So keep
reading and see if it fits your taste.

Saturday 5th

It’s ladies
first! Isilda Sanches, better known
as one of the faces of Rádio Oxigénio, one of Lisbon’s best alternative radio
stations, will have its DJ skills tested, choosing
some dance songs as she’s used to on the radio. Can’t be that different, right?

So, what’s Fandango? It’s the junction of two very
experienced musicians from great Portuguese bands – Gabriel Gomes with Sétima
Legião and Madredeus, Luís Varatojo with Peste & Sida, Linha da Frente e A
Naifa – trying to bring very Portuguese instruments and musicality to the
electronic based music they’re playing. Interesting, at least, should be
quality live.

Much better
known to the audience is Mirror People,
X-Wife’s Rui Maia’s dance project. Here he will summon The Voyager Band, and I
must say I’m very curious to check how this will be brought live. I can say I
already saw Mirror People as a DJ set (no music of his own but a nice set), as
a live act (on Vodafone Paredes de Coura, and it was okay, but the songs could’ve flow better), and now we’ll see how we’ll do it in a proper


interesting Portuguese acts so far, but how’s for a headliner at 6:00 PM? It’s Nicolas Jaar and he really needs no
introduction. There’s two new EPs released this year (Nymphs II and III),
soundtracks to two movies, one being the winner of Palme d’Or at Cannes, Dheepan,
but there’s still the critically acclaimed Space Is Only Noise back in 2011
and the collaboration with Dave Harrington, DARKSIDE, now on hiatus. It’s a
must see.

Speaking of
the youngsters (Nicolas Jaar is, like, my age, FML), Palms Trax started professionally just in 2013 with the Equation EP,
but shows signs of knowing the old school back to the 80s. Really excited to
see this protégée of the Berlin scene, to the point of living there this
Bristol born fellow.

Speaking of
the devil, Nina Kraviz may be Russian (I think), but she’s got the Berlin scene
all over her DJ set as well. It’s up to this fine looking lady to close the
first day of the fest, giving us a practically 3 hour set. Be ready to feel the

Sunday 6th

Moving on
to the second day, it’s up to the music journalist, DJ and basically Portuguese
scene guru Rui Miguel Abreu to warm
up the stage for the later acts, turntabling some funk, soul and jazz hits for
the crowd. Expect a sort of musical lesson while you move your feet and be
ready to press Shazam!

One hour
later, time for other Portuguese fellow to bring his electronic music act
alive, being Mr Herbert Quain doing
a live act in collaboration with VJ João Pedro Fonseca. Let’s hope this collab
still works during daylight, if not well, bringing your sunglasses may help?

Next, time
for another tag team, Andras & Oscar.
While Andras Fox works on the producing of countless and contagious electronica,
Oscar Key Sung puts his sweet voice to the action. The result
should be a classy house jam for all the duration of their set.

But the
reasons why Sunday will be a hell of a festival day are still to come, and for
starters one of them is Jazzanova.
Somewhat of a historical act by nowadays, but not that much, releasing three
albums in the timespan of 13 years (yeah, that’s some work they put on each record),
but occupying their time in remixing other artists, these German giants will
form a band, inviting the singer Paul
to put on stage a brilliant act of chill-out, jazz house music.


The other main reason to come to Eduardo VII this day is, of course, Todd Terje. Not only because of “It’s Album Time”, one of the
fundamental albums of 2014, but because, as you may have read, it’s yet another
“Live Act”. And if you haven’t seen videos of the band Todd Terje managed to
form performing these songs, well, prepare to be VERY amazed. It’s a whole
different feel to see real strings of even Terje Olsen (real name) playing the
keys to their own songs. It’s a blast.

And guess
what? Yup, the day will end with a big German electronic DJ, how’s that for a
change? But no mind, Michael Mayer
knows the stuff and not only his extensive discography proves it, but also some
well know remixes to some famous bands, like Depeche Mode or Pet Shop Boys.
It’s a great way to end the festival and a great way to remember this LISB-ON is all about a concept and bringing quality acts that feature well on it.
That’s the way to bring a festival alive, and you may bet next Saturday there won’t be as much excitement about other events as much as there will be about LISB-ON.
We’re on!