Bolachas Now Playing

#342: Stella Donnelly, “Flood”

Bolachas Now Playing

#340: The Mountain Goats, “Bleed Out”

Bolachas Now Playing

#235: Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever, “Sideways to New Italy”

Is there anything more typical of music publications in the 21st century than waiting for an indie rock band to fail miserably with the release their second record? Don’t let them tell you “Sideways to New Italy” is lacking something important. The new Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever album has all the melodies and hooks you need to survive this festival-less summer so you can pretend everything’s fine. We’re adding a fourth sentence to this paragraph because it seems like it’s mandatory to reference the Go-Betweens and/or the Feelies every single time we talk about this band.

Plus: new tracks by Run The JewelsDJ LycoxPop Dell’ArteNo Age, Lithics, OhmmeDougie PooleWhiskey Wolves of the WestSwampmeat Family BandCrystal ShipsssHelvetiaMuzzThe ClienteleLA PriestBecca MancariSarah LouiseBrigid Mae PowerThe World of DustSamantha CrainCamille DeleanModern NatureMt. JoyJoan Shelley, and Torres.